The year 2020 presented us with one of the largest health threats in recent history. The onset of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) took many unsuspecting lives on a global scale. With the current pandemic; it’s no surprise that people are more concerned than they’ve ever been with their personal hygiene and protection from immune system threats.

Another valuable habit to consider would be the addition of vitamins and supplements into your daily routine. Vitamins are found in nature throughout the different foods that we eat. Some are more abundant than others making vitamin deficiencies fairly common with the modern diets that many of us follow. Below are just a few examples of vitamins responsible for overall health as well as supporting a healthy immune system. Combining good hygiene with protective wear and dietary vitamins could give your body the advantage it needs to keep you healthy in the unfortunate event that you find yourself struggling with seasonal sickness. Of course, it’s always recommended that you talk with your healthcare provider when you’re thinking about adding dietary supplements to your daily regimen.
Vitamins that are the best to use for immune support include Vitamins B, C, D, and Minerals such as Zinc as Magnesium.
o Vitamin B Complex is one product that contains the list of B vitamins described below. They can be taken in this combined form or individually based on a person’s dietary needs and sensitivities.
o (B1) Thiamin is critical for the growth, development, and function of cells in the body. It's also needed for the health of the brain, muscles, and nervous system.
o (B2) Riboflavin keeps the eyes, nervous system, and skin healthy. It can also help convert food into energy and is needed for red blood cell production and growth.
o (B3) Niacin helps with the conversion of food into energy. It can also support digestive and nervous system health as well as assist with the production of certain hormones.
o (B5) Pantothenic Acid can help with breaking down fats and carbohydrates for energy. It helps the body use other vitamins, such as riboflavin, and plays a role in the production of red blood cells, neurotransmitters, and certain hormones.
o (B6) Pyridoxine supports both immune system function and brain development and is involved in more than 100 enzyme reactions in the body. It also helps with the formation of red blood cells, neurotransmitters in the brain, and certain hormones in the body.
o (B7) Biotin helps the body convert the fats, carbohydrates, and proteins from the foods we eat into energy. It also promotes hair, skin, nail, and bone health.
o (B9) Folate or 'Folic Acid' helps your body make red blood cells and is needed to help cells make and maintain DNA.
o (B12) Cyanocobalamin helps keep the nervous system healthy, promotes protein metabolism, and is required for the formation of red blood cells and DNA.
o Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective vitamins. Some benefits include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.
o Vitamin D is necessary for the proper functioning of your immune system and promoting a strong immune response. Vitamin D is known to enhance the function of immune cells, including T cells and macrophages, that protect your body against pathogens. Low levels of Vitamin D in the body may be associated with increased susceptibility to infection, disease, and immune-related disorders.
o Magnesium can help keep the immune system strong and helps strengthen muscles and bones. It also supports cardiac functions and brain functions.
o Zinc is essential for DNA production of cells like immune cells. This means the growth and function of different types of immune cells can be impaired by Zinc deficiencies.